The Legend Of Mzee Shali

Photo Courtesy ; Al-Khazraj

What do you show for when you’ve been to the coast of Kenya… How do you express others of your home, where the earth meets the ocean… Well I have an answer…. No words

From a man who is rumored to be the first man to plant the mangroves, comes an art soo breath-taking and speak a million words that one needs not to say a single letter of it. By the power of his mind and the might of his hands, Mzee Shali Mwalimu a.k.a Mzee Mambo has found a way to present all the cultural heritage of this beautiful coastal strip in a single frame of sheer beauty one at a time from his humble homestead at Ngomeni, after Malindi.

So contact Mzee Mambo and give yourself the pleasure of carrying a little bit of the Coast, where ever you go for truly, “simambo madogo” (they are not minute)

Contact; +254713290481

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